-*-text-*- This program is very dated; its coding style is archaic & naive. Updating to version 1.0.0 was only done to make it run under Fedora. I have no plans to radically fix the program behavior, because it would be better to rewrite it altogether. If you want improve it, do this: * Make every grabbing & processing of a feed in its own thread. Start with n threads, break operations into feed_list_length/n batches. * Write into a log what went wrong with each feed. * Use a templating system for MIME emails. Before sending headers into a template, properly format them accordingly to MIME spec. * Break program into several independent utils: grabbing, converting, nntp'ending. $ get_my_feed FeedName | feed_parse | \ convert_to_mime FeedName | send_to_newsserver NewsGroup where FeedName is not a URI, but a feed name from a config file. FeedName in convert_to_mime required to read feed-specific rendering options from the config. * Change user config to .ini style. For example: [ http://example.org/1.xml ] advice=text filter-1 = tags: cool, nice; !author: some dude; group: local.rss.foo filter-2 = tags: ruby; group: local.rss.bar # other goes to /dev/null [ http://example.org/2.xml ] filter-0 = group: local.rss.foo filter-1 = [ http://example.org/3.xml ] filter-0 = group: local.rss.foo; !tags: news; * Make each feed postable in several newsgroups simultaneously. Release HOWTO ------------- $ make deploy