# -*-tcl-*- # # A configuration file for pr2nntp. Its usual location is # `$HOME/.pr2nntp/config`. # # You'll need to fill 2 arrays here: $rss_conf & $rss. # # Global settings that affects all feeds # set rss_conf(server.host) localhost set rss_conf(server.port) 119 #set rss_conf(server.login) {user_name} #set rss_conf(server.password) {user_password} # User that executes pr2nntp must be able to run 'daemon.*' commands # below without being asked for a password. Run 'visudo' and add there a # line like: # # joe ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/libexec/news/ctlinnd # # where 'joe' is your user name, and ctlinnd is an util from INN # package. # %g - group name # %m - article Message-ID # %% == % set rss_conf(daemon.group.create) { sudo /usr/libexec/news/ctlinnd newgroup %g y pr2nntp } set rss_conf(daemon.group.remove) { sudo /usr/libexec/news/ctlinnd rmgroup %g } set rss_conf(daemon.msg.cancel) { sudo /usr/libexec/news/ctlinnd cancel %m } # %f - output file name # %u - URL # %% == % set rss_conf(fetch) {curl -RfL --progress-bar --noproxy * -o %f %u} # %f - input file name # %% == % set rss_conf(filter.post) {w3m -T text/html -dump -I UTF-8 -O UTF-8 -cols 72 -no-graph %f} # # Feeds # set rss(comp.google_research) { url {http://research.google.com/pubs/atom.xml} } set rss(comp.microsoft_research) { url {http://research.microsoft.com/rss/publications.xml} } set rss(misc.scott_adams) { url {http://feeds.feedburner.com/typepad/ihdT} } # End